Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hello out there!  It is possible that you have reached this blog by mistake or have purposely tried to arrive here on your own accord.  I would like to begin by giving a little backround info if you don't know me already or you haven't paid much attention.  My full name is Connor Reid Albright, I'm 6` on the nose, and I play water polo and volleyball for Righetti High School in Santa Maria, Califonia.  I have a weird obsession for classic cartoons, and I can name pretty much any classic rock band by simply listening to a song.  That uncanny ability was pounded into me at a young age by my awesome parental units, Eric and Jana Albright, who both work at Righetti with me.  My only "sibling", an adopted alien that goes by the name of Kaybree, also attends Righetti and follows me in my athletic foot steps, playing water polo (but she's also a swimmer, so that's evidence enough that there's another planet out there with water on it's surface.)

Another little known fact, but I've been told by many people, including my kick-ass partner-in-crime Shane Hunter, that I can be quite the ladies man, but I think that's wrong.  All I do is listen and say things that need to be heard by the female audience.  That's really all it is.  But I believe this topic can wait for another day(:

Well that should be enough for day one.  See you guys on day two of the coolest project on earth!!

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