Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My New Addiction.

Above is the catchy opening to the Japanese anime show, Bleach.  I can never get enough, and am already on Episode 6 after starting on Tuesday.  It is perfectly balanced with brutal action, gut-wrenching character development (in a good way.), and just raw awesomeness.  Originally aired in 2004, the show ended recently because, well, the story-telling was complete, and the brilliant Japs were not yet ready with a new plot.  I've been catching up through VizAnime, powered by Hulu (I love that word....  Huluhuluhuluhuluhuluhuluhulu.... ... hulu)

CA, over and out.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Time For Twitter!!!

If you haven't already, get on this level!!  Twitter is the new Facebook, and I am proud to endorse it. So come on, join the party and Follow me at @Albright10C.

The Lazy Blog: Comin' at Ya... As Soon as I Get Off the Couch.

Due to technical difficulties, now we return to your previously scheduled show that is already in progress...  kinda.

...  Yeah, I'm a fat, lazy lard-ass.  You got me.

I want to put out a notice to all Amazians...  the coalition (Yeah, you read right.  I got's me a wingman, aca-bitches!) of this fine establishment have set forth a new plan to get back to the old ways of blogging with swag.  So prepare yourself.

CA, over and out.  Be good humans.